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Rhodonite promotes the energy of love, but in this case, it really is outer-directed love. it's like outer love. rhodonite attracts the people and situations best suited for one's unique talents and in, so by using them one can experience the fulfillment of the deep desire to love and be loved. what I really love about the stone is that it really helps you realize what your unique capabilities are, and how by doing this you can really fulfill your destiny. this stone really reminds you to really like share your love, give your love, have generosity, and have compassion doing those things. 

It's almost like the cure for like loving yourself. you feel so good when you give to others. I feel like you can really feel that energy penetrating your heart center when you are expressing and giving your love out, on a scale of like like how to raise your vibration and stuff like that like. this vibration is one of the ultimate high ones. so it really does make you just feel really good.

Super Seven Crystal 

The next stone I'm going to be talking about is super seven crystal. super seven crystal really strengthens your heart and it links it to the heart of the earth. it is recommended for those who have heart ailments, because it carries and emanates, the perfect vibrational pattern of the heart. rubella benefits the emotional heart as well. it facilitates healing emotional wounds and helps one overcome numbness and rediscover one's zest for living. 

I personally feel like this stone is so cool when you really get a good close-up look at it. it's so fascinating, it actually reminds me a lot of cinnabars, but what super seven crystal is it's red tourmaline. so this is like a form of tourmaline, I really like the fact that this stone quite literally helps with the physical heart. if you're going through heartache, you can get it from crystal shops near me if you had any kind of like, I don't know like surgery or any kind of recovery in your heart, and you kind of want like a companion to be with you while you're going through a heart journey, I think super seven crystal is absolutely perfect for that. 

I think the aspect of love for the earth is also really important with the stone, because as we're on our self-love journeys, part of that process is really understanding that there is beauty all around us, taking time to go outside, take your shoes off walk on the grass, maybe sit under a tree, and just kind of be in that moment, maybe you have some rubellite with you, just really feeling into that moment and loving like where you're at and how lucky and blessed you are to be on this planet, and you love the earth, like having that kind of admiration for the earth is definitely beneficial for our own inner being okay.

Flower Agate

So for this next self-love crystal, I might have a slight obsession with it that is flower agate. Kunin opens the heart to the energies of love, self-love interpersonal love, love for humanity animals, plants, minerals, all that is but most importantly. flower agate is a conduit from one's heart to the vibration of divine love. flower agate can activate the silent voice of the heart, opening a word list communication between one's mental and emotional aspects, if one is willing to listen and follow the quiet urging of the heart, one's life and the world will benefit greatly, I feel like working with the stone really opens the doors to like this spiritual realm of divine love, and I think that sounds so cool and awesome. 

I'm just like really obsessed with flower agate. I was kind of getting the download like a month ago, to like hey put some feelers out for flower agate, and I'm really excited to show you how I use flower agate when I talk about my practices. I'll really show you what I did but really I just really love this stone so much when I first got it. I definitely felt like this very high energy, I think that there really is something special with the love element, and also like the spiritual element of this stone.

Crystal Grid 

so I know that all these stones are pink that I shared with you but you can definitely use green crystals and green stones in your self-love practices as well. pairing up green and pink stones is really helpful with setting an intention for self-love or any kind of like heart healing, just to name a few crystals that deal with the heart chakra and love are green jade and malachite. I personally love working with Malachi and rose quartz, if you watched my malachite post, I talked about a grid that I made in my home using malachite and rose quartz, and really what transpired during that time frame and it's quite interesting actually .so now I'm going to switch over to some self-love practices that I'm obsessed with and I love and I'm super excited to share them with you.

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